Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year! You have my sincere wishes for a prosperous 2012, and I hope that some tidbit I may impart in these pages may help you on the road to financial security. So let's get right to it.

Have you ever watched a top-flight athlete and marveled at their skill? They make what is so difficult when you and I try it seem effortless. But have you ever compared their form as they perform their skill against that of the average shlub? What is the most evident difference between them and us? I've watched closely, and found the answer. It's full extension.

When Justin Verlander hurls the pill, his arm is fully extended as he reaches the point in his delivery when he releases the ball.

When Tiger Woods smacks one of his booming drives, both of his elbows are dead-straight at the point of contact. He even looks like he's trying to get on his tippy-toes to get his body extended as much as possible.

Champion divers and gymnasts alike become champions by pointing their toes and extending their arms as far as they can when they're in mid-flight.

World-class runners also achieve much greater angles between their upper legs in mid-stride than we slower folk.

Of course, full extension is not the only reason the elite athletes are elite; they've also been blessed with God-given abilities of coordination and power. But given those gifts, they've only become the superstars they are by refining their athletic motions to include the full extension.

In a similar fashion, people who find success in other realms also use full extension to their benefit. You've heard the term "pushing the envelope" to describe artists and business people who go beyond what their predecessors in their chosen field have achieved. That is their form of full extension. They bravely go where none before them have dared go, and are willing to risk the failure that may lurk there in order to find the success that may also be there. But how does all this relate to the Prosperity Convoy?

As I've mentioned before in this blog, you've got to be a business owner to build your own personal wealth. And taking the leap from employee to business owner is where you will find full extension in your efforts to secure your financial future. Working a J-O-B for someone else is the work-life equivalent of us mere mortal athletes using "alligator arms" (elbows bent, shoulders all scrunched in close) during a golf swing.

Now, you may argue that you're giving all you've got--full extension--to do the best you can at your job. That is all well and good, but it's not full extension in terms of building your own personal wealth. That's full extension for building wealth for the company that employs you and its shareholders. Let's just hope that they appreciate your efforts as you make them rich.

To be sure, once you become a business owner, your full extension has just started. You must make sure you're giving maximum effort in that business as well. Do whatever it takes (as long as it's legal and ethical, of course) to get your business' name out there. Happily spend the extra time it's going to take to get--and keep--the ball rolling. Learn as much as you can about all aspects of the business so you become the expert you need to be to make your company a success.

There. That doesn't seem so hard, does it? Make it your resolution this year to make sure you're reaching full extension in everything you do, especially in building a secure financial future for yourself and your family. That is what I wish for you.

Thanks for reading this today. Please leave me some comments about this post and the entire blog. Let me know if I'm inspiring you--or infuriating you. I again wish you a very happy, joyous, and prosperous new year, and hope to see you on the road to prosperity.