Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why, Oh Why?

Last time ("Just Over Broke") I promised to discuss Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies in this installment. However, I want to introduce another concept that is important for successful people first. I'll get back to MLMs next time for sure.

Whenever you decide whether or not to do something, I'm sure you first ask yourself, "Why should I do this?" Well, probably not for auto-response actions, such as breathing or ducking out of the way of a baseball rocketing your way; those responses are (hopefully) already hard-wired into your system. But for actions that require a conscious decision, you need to answer that question, one way or the other. A critical juncture for asking, "Why" is as you decide upon your career's course.

It's easy to answer the question, "Why do I work?" with, "To earn money to support myself." That's the basic human need. But make sure you take it to the next level and ask yourself, "Why do I work for someone else?" and, "Why would I start my own business?"

People who start and run their own businesses (a.k.a. the self-employed and entrepreneurs) have asked those last two questions and found their "Why", their reason to follow they course they have chosen. They have found that their Why overrides the risks, uncertainties, and extra work inherent in "hanging their shingle."

One successful woman I know likes to travel. The freedom to set her own schedule, and the income she earns from her own successful businesses allow her to see the country and the world. Travelling is her Why for running her own businesses, instead of working for someone else.

My Why for wanting to run my own business is a desire to be able to donate money to worthy causes that need financial help. Dave Ramsey, the personal finance "Act Your Wage" guru, says that it's a moral imperative for the good (moral, law-abiding) people to make as much money as possible to use it for good, so the criminals don't get it and use it for their nefarious purposes. That struck a chord with me, so that has become my Why. And, ever since I took to the road as a truck driver, my second Why is to get off the road, back home with my family, and resume my "normal" life.

Actually, I have a third Why, too. I know a lot of people are having a hard time financially in our current economy. Perhaps you're one of them. Because of my study of personal finance and entrepreneurship, I know the solution, and I want to help out. You are a worthy cause, too! (Though I'll donate this information instead of cash--I'm not to that point yet.) That's my Why for writing this blog.

So what's your Why?
  • Do you need a little extra cash each month to ease the bills burden?
  • Do you have a favorite charity you'd like to help out?
  • Do you have children that will one day be going to college, and the escalating cost of that scares you?
  • Do you want to get out and see the world?
  • Do you just hate your job and want to be able to leave it all behind?
Whatever it is, if it's stronger than your Why for working a JOB (and the supposed security that provides), just drop me a note and we'll work together to get you a spot in the Prosperity Convoy.

Thanks for reading today. I look forward to seeing you on the road to prosperity.

P.S., Please give me some feedback in the form of a Comment below. Do you like this blog? Is the information I'm presenting: Helpful? Clear? Intriguing? Pure dreck? And if you like it, be sure to sign up as a Follower over there on the right side of the page. Thanks much!

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