Thursday, June 23, 2011

Switching Gears

OK, OK, I know that twice now I've promised a discourse on Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), a.k.a. Network Marketing. But I'm going to put that on hold for a little while. It's too soon in the "course" I'm "teaching" here to focus on a "how". But I'll just tell you to toss aside any preconceived notions you have about MLM companies, because they're (the preconceived notions, that is) just wrong. Let each company and its plan stand on its own merits--and some have pretty amazing merits--as you check them out. Instead, here I need to build the foundation and framework of your financial education first. And I also promised to use this blog to update you on the Prosperity Convoy's progress. So let's start with that.

First, when I say, "The Prosperity Convoy", I'm referring to me and the cadre of readers who decide that they (you?) too are ready to leave their (your?) old way of thinking behind and learn what it really takes to find prosperity. I want to hear from my readers (you?) to find out who's climbing on board, ready to take the steps to secure their (your?) financial futures. Let me know if I'm bringing you valuable information--or if I'm failing in the attempt. Please share your own personal progress report if you're taking steps to secure your financial future, if you need any help, or what information you'd like me to write about. Now here's my personal progress report.

When I was home last week, I went to a meeting to gather information about the vehicle I'm going to use to power my convoy. Let me tell you, it has me totally stoked...geeked...excited about what's ahead for me and my family. And for you, if you join the convoy. I won't go into detail about it here, because that's best done in another setting. But it's with a company that really supports its members and wants them to succeed.

Another step I took was to re-familiarize myself with one of my "mentors" (via reading his books), Robert Kiyosaki. My own financial education started when I found a copy of one of his books, "Retire Young, Retire Rich". Being that it was a free copy, and the title sounded like something that interested me, I grabbed it. That book opened my eyes in regards to the tectonic shift in thinking that is necessary to find financial freedom. I had to learn more. So I started watching the free book rack for more Kiyosaki books. "Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant" and "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" soon followed (in my timeline, anyway), and I was hooked. I even started buying more Kiyosaki books, as well as more personal finance books by other authors. But I digress. What's relevant to today's discussion is that last week I found a new Kiyosaki book, "Unfair Advantage, The Power of Financial Education". I bought it and brought it with me on my current month-long tour of duty on my truck.

"Unfair Advantage", which has a sub-subtitle of, "What Schools Will NEVER Teach You About Money", reminded me of many concepts I had learned from the earlier books but let slip out of my memory while life intervened. Those reminders have re-energized my resolve to put myself on the on-ramp to financial freedom and to spread the word. Believe me, I'm totally serious about this subject and desperately want to make sure you come along to prosperity, too, whether by joining my convoy or by finding your own path to financial education. (But if you come along with me, we'll work together.) Now, back to a little bit of financial ed.

First and foremost, read the Kiyosaki books. You can find them--and more--at You may not like his writing style, or appreciate his bluntness, but get past that and understand and embrace the message he delivers. And that message--highly simplified here--is to shift your thinking about money from the point of view of an employee, to that of a business owner and investor.

The employee works for--and pays taxes on--earned income, the income with the highest tax rate. He only earns income while working, trading hours for money. The business owner and investor, however, can earn income any hour of the day, whether she's actively working the business or not, because she has her money working for her. That kind of income is called passive income, or sometimes residual income. Done right, passive income can FAR outstrip anything you can earn from a paycheck. So the aim of the Prosperity Convoy is to build passive income streams that will make "working for the man" unnecessary.

That's enough for tonight, as I've got to return to the "real" world and get myself to bed, since I have to get up early to go deliver my current freight. Please, please, please let me know how you like (or don't like) this blog, and what else you want to learn about taking the on-ramp to the road to prosperity. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. I hope it will be some value to you, and I'll see you on the aforementioned road to prosperity.

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