Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day

As I'm writing this on July 4, I want to wish you a very happy celebration of the United States' independence from English rule. What a better day also to wish for you a happy financial independence day, that day when your passive income surpasses your expenses. When that day arrives, you'll be able to say goodbye to the daily grind of a J-O-B and live life on your own terms and schedule. (If you love your job and want to keep doing it, then good for you. Keep at it and use your extra income for a better lifestyle and good works.) I'm not going to include a new lesson in this post; instead I want to reiterate why I write and publish this blog in the first place.

First and foremost, it's because I want you to reach financial freedom. When I learned all that I did about financial education, my eyes were opened wide. I realized just how ignorant I had been to the world of personal finance, and how we all completely miss this information by going through the normal routines of daily life. That is, main-stream, "conventional" wisdom about personal finance is 180 degrees opposite what we really need to do to build a secure financial future. So it's like when you find a new restaurant that blows your mind, or see a movie that pushes all the right buttons for you, you just have to share that information with all your family and friends. For me, when I realized what the truth was about finances, I had to share it.

You know, what I'm "teaching" you here is really very simple and obvious, once you open your mind to it. The hard part is making the leap to open your mind and discard the conventional wisdom you've been taught all your life, "Go to school, get a good job, save for retirement." And then it's hard to take action to put yourself on this new road, for fear of what your family and friends--who are still stuck with the conventional wisdom--will say about it. But don't worry about them; you need to do what's right for your future. And guess what: you can start to educate them about building passive income, and bring them right along with you on the road to prosperity.

So please share this information with everyone you care about. As the Alan Parsons Project song Turn It Up says, "If there's something you've found you believe in, then the message must get through." Point them to this blog, buy them the Rich Dad books (or lend them your copies after you've bought and read them), and invite them to join your MLM downline. But make sure you're doing it for them, because you care for them as you do. There's an adage in business that if you help people (your customers, in the usual business sense) get what they want, then you'll get what you want. So make it about those people you care about, your "customers", and the universe will see fit to reward you in kind.

Happy Independence Day once again. Thank you for lending me your eyes (and hopefully an engaged mind, as well). I look forward to celebrating your financial independence day with you.

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