Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When You Come to the Fork in the Road, Take It

Today's post will be a fairly quick update of how things are going in the Convoy, rather than a financial education lesson. Remember, I promised to use this blog to do both. Anyway, on to today's developments.

Whoa! I just had a lunch meeting that blew my mind! I went in expecting to learn more about--and sign up for--one network marketing company, but found out about another that looks even better! I'm not going to name either company here, because that's best done in another forum. I don't want to use this blog to promote any specific company or companies. But please take from this story that it's good to be flexible and to evaluate opportunities as they arise. Don't just select one course of action, put your blinders on, and charge forward with no view of the possibly changing landscape ahead.

Now, once you do select a course of action, it is best to commit to that course and give it your all in order to build your business. Don't try to build more than one business at a time. I'm able to switch gears at this point because I hadn't committed to my original choice of network marketing company just yet. As I stated earlier, I was just going to sign up today.

Well, it looks like I digressed with a little business lesson there, after all. OK, not a bad thing. But let's get back to my story.

As I mentioned up top, I went to a lunch meeting today to get started with one company. I met with my sponsor and her sponsor, a.k.a. the first two people in my immediate upline. To protect the innocent, let's just call them "Jill" and "Tim", respectively. (Any other Home Improvement fans out there?) Anyway, as I sat down and we got started, Tim said, "I have some news". I thought maybe that the company had some new, exciting products or compensation plan details. Instead, Tim told me that he had been introduced to another, new company (and its product) and had left company number one. Not that he no longer believed in company number one--it's still a very exciting opportunity with terrific products--but it is easier and quicker to make money with the new company. Which is the point, after all, right?

For the rest of the lunch, Tim filled me in with the nutshell version of the new company's product and plan. Jill has already also joined Tim's downline, and I like what I've learned so much that I'll be following suit. Timing is everything, and for once I have some. The company is holding an informational meeting tonight, so I'll be able to get the full scoop and sign up right away.

So that's my story of today's surprising development. It's still the road to prosperity, but I'll be taking a different lane from here.

In a further development, you can now find the Convoy on Facebook. Just look up and "Like" Trucker John's Prosperity Convoy on there for another way to follow along as we work our way up through the gears. (Thanks, P.J. for the tip to create the page.)

Thanks for checking in today. I'm very excited about this new opportunity, and expect good things from it. And remember, I'm doing this because I want to help you build passive income to secure your financial future. A convoy's not a convoy with only one vehicle. So if you're ready to leave an uncertain future behind, start your engines and drop me a line. I'll see you on the road to prosperity.

I just returned from the information meeting for this new business opportunity, and it's even better then it seemed this afternoon. Both the product and the business opportunity. I'm all signed up and ready to get going. So stay tuned for updates on the Convoy's progress in this new business.

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